Instructions: Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the definition it gives you. I guarantee you're gonna find some pretty hilarious results.
1. your name: joemar
A young genderless object or tool which is found highly annoying in a situation of a large crowd of 10-15 people.
It has also been classified as a class A drug which is only illegal at such gathering as "house party's or "field party's".
It has been known to give such symptoms as piercing of skin on the lower region of the face (chin).
Also the main effect which comes in 12 to 24 hours after being infected is continuous usage of the statement which is know as "lying" this seems to be compulsory at this level. Others call it "Joeshit".
This does not just effect itself but others as it has been known to borrow large amounts of money and is unable to re-pay the money due to insufficient funds and the hiding of money to use at a later date to buy such items as alcoholic beverages.
In a wild surrounding filling with women this Joe-Mar maybe seen as dangerous and shows animal like characteristic by using an Irresistible gaze which stuns females and occasionally some males. After heavily tested by Doctor Carlito B (a 16 year old sasquach) he Quotes... that this is a case of "Player Fever".
Note if seen please alarm.... Oh sorry thats just my flirt alert.... Code Red he is out of site !!!!!!!!!!! LOL
(This first example must be sung to get the full effect)
"Because i know a joe that will get on your joe, joe joe i know a joe that will get on your joe and this is how it joes ......"
"Joeshit, Joe-Mar"
Seen is such films as...
"Harold & Joe-Mar Go to McDonalds"
"Harold & Joe-Mar Escape from brokeback mountain"
Joe-Mar's World 1&2 the complete epic
The Incredible Joe-Mar
2. age: 21
The age at which one is finally considered human.
The magical age where it is legally ok to get incredibly drunk. At this time, a young adult spends most of his free time consuming vast amounts of alcohol in a variety of forms, saying that they're "making up for lost years."
The magic number in the game of Blackjack.
Croupier: '21 - we have a winner'
CardShark: 'Pay me out my one-and-a-half, biatch'
3. one of your friends: kulay
she is the most amazing girl ever. she is my kulay!...i love her to death...she is a great friend and can always keep your secrets. she is the best at makin you laugh and wanna just get up and dance!
i love you!
kulay is a bird
the buttocks... sexy... a word christa and alex constantly use!
At the club.. some BLAT slapped Hevyns kulay.
4. what you should be doing: eating
1a. The action of consuming edible substances through one's orifice.
1b. Something skinny people enjoy far too much - or far too little.
1c. Something done too frequently by fat and/or ugly people without offsetting with exercise.
1d. A hopefully enjoyable process activating one's taste senses and used to chemically sustain or rejuvinate the body.
2. (slang) The action of oral sex.
3. (slang) To be hit, killed, destroyed, maimed, or otherwise thoroughly OWNED.
1a. He is eating pie.
1b. I can't believe that skinny kid won the eating contest.
1c. That fatass needs to stop eating.
1d. Eating that pizza was @!#$ing delicious.
2. Jenny and I were eating out last night.
3. That dumbass poser is EATING it! After eating 4 rounds from my Magnum, he enjoyed the taste of curb and boots.
5. favorite color: green
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?
'yo, where da green at?'
6. favorite number: 47
A tall, bald, intimidating individual with a barcode tatooed on the back of his head. Usually wears a suit, tie and black gloves and is a hired killer. When not murdering people for money, he enjoys gardening.
In the game, "Hitman: Contracts," 47 gorrotes muthafuckas with no muthafuck'n remorse, biatch.
7. month of your birthday: april
derived from a month, used by parents who lacked creativity at the time of their daughters arrival
'gee, i just gave birth, what month is it again?... April you say..'
a female of wise words. Often regarded as a "panda" person. These types of females are very energetic and friendly, and when you see these types of girls down, you feel down too.
hey, dont feel so down. Thats not very april of you.
The 4th month of the year. In which National Marajuana Day is celebrated on the 20th. Is Avril in French.
"What's today?"
"April 20th"
"...pot head..."
8. last person you talked to: paulo
a portuguese man who quotes movies and can relate anything to sex.
Mike: "Dude, i had a great sandwich today"
Paulo: "I loooooooove vagina"
9. one of your nicknames: jermy
A small and curious fellow who constantly tries to be taller. But is still missed if other people fail to look down at the creature bouncing up and down.
Ooh, Christ, I nearly tripped straight over that Jermy. If I hadn't looked down...?